Monday, May 6, 2024

Orsini Family

house of orsini

The fourth duke, Francesco, was part of a conspiracy along with his brothers Giulio and Paolo against Cesare Borgia but were found out, and Francesco was strangled to death on 18 January 1503 along with his brother Paolo. One of Francesco's nephews, Flavio Orsini, was created cardinal in 1565. The fifth duke, Ferdinando (died December 6, 1549), had all his fiefs confiscated by the Spaniards, but he regained them after a 40,000 scudi payment. The line of Gravina, from the name of the eponymous city in Apulia, is the only existing line of the Orsini.

Pope Nicholas III

Pope Nicholas was willing to negotiate, but he refused to crown Rudolf as Emperor until Rudolph had acknowledged all the claims of the Church, including many that were quite dubious. The concordatwith Rudolph I of Habsburgwas concluded in May 1278. During Charles VIII of France's descent into Italy, he managed to keep Bracciano. Ferdinand II had his fiefs confiscated and imprisoned him in Castel dell'Ovo, where he was poisoned in 1497. The family recovered this setback under the more friendly Medici popes of the early 16th century. His nephew Virginio was a famous admiral for the Papal States and France, but in 1539 he had his fiefs confiscated under the charge of treason.

Pope Nicholas III 23rd Great Grand Uncle

He continued in various ways to promote the welfare of the Dominican Order, richly endowing the Convent of St. Dominic in Bologna. In 1523 he also finally renounced the Valle Siciliana and became a supporter of Francis I of France, in the struggle of the latter king with Emperor Charles V. In 1527 Manoppello, for some time again under the Orsinis, returned into the hands of their rivals, the Colonnas. The Orsinis were left with Guardiagrele and a few other fiefdoms. Camillo Pardo Orsini retired to private life in Rome, where he died on 27 March 1553. The Orsini line of Manoppello and Valle Siciliana became extinct with his death. On 2 August 1633, Johann Andreas von Rosenberg, Herr von Rosenberg, was elevated to the Reichsfreiherrenstand with the title of Freiherr of the Holy Roman Empire, Freiherr of Lerchenau, Herr of Magereckh and Grafenstein, and in 1648 to the Austrian Grafenstand.

Orsini cardinals

His first wife, Isabella Medici, being murdered, he took as his second wife Vittoria Accoramboni, widow of the murdered Francesco Peretti, a nephew of Sixtus V. Accused of murdering the latter, Paolo Giordano was obliged to leave Rome. His grandchild, (2) MATTEO ROSSO ORSINI, was made senator of Rome by Pope Gregory IX in 1241. In this capacity he took a decided stand against the ventures of Emperor Frederick II in Italy. He was a patron of religious undertakings, a personal friend of St. Francis of Assisi, and a member of that saint's Third Order. While one of the sons of Matteo Rosso, Gian Gaetano, ascended the papal throne as Nicholas III, another, (3) RINALDO, continued the activities of his father in the political field, exerting himself to the utmost to prevent the alliance of Rome with the Hohenstaufen Konradin. (13) VIRGINIO ORSINI, likewise of the ducal family of Bracciano, b.

house of orsini

However, at his death in 1406 the southern Orsini fiefs were confiscated. Relationships with the royal family remained cold under Joan II; However, when Raimondello's son Giannantonio (1386–1453) sent his troops to help her against the usurpation attempt of James of Bourbon, he received in exchange the Principality of Taranto. A son of this Rinaldo, (4) MATTEO ORSINI, was twice senator in Rome. The power of the Orsini was in general much strengthened by this capable pope of their race. In addition to the members of the Orsini family who were prominent as cardinals in the history of the Roman Church, others have gained a place in political history as statesmen, warriors, or patrons of the arts and sciences. The lands under direct Papal rule were threatened by surrounding powers.

Orsini Family

They first became important in the late 12th century with the election of Giacinto Orsini as Pope Celestine III (1191–98), whose generosity to his nephews founded the territorial fortunes of the family. An accomplished condottiero, he was however also a ruthless figure who had his wife Isabella de' Medici murdered. He was succeeded by Virginio, whose heir Paolo Giordano II married the princess of Piombino and was created Prince of the Holy Roman Empire. His brother Alessandro was cardinal and Papal legate, and another brother, Ferdinando (died March 4, 1660) acquired the assets of the other line of San Gemini. In the 17th century the Dukes of Bracciano moved their residence to Rome.

Ciro Orsini is an Italian from Naples, a bloodline relative of the Italian noble Orsini family. He is a businessman, serial entrepreneur, restaurateur and the founder of world renowned Ciro’s Pizza Pomodoro of Knightsbridge. On 30 July 1488 she died in Florence, and was buried two days later.[15] Her husband was not with her when she died, nor did he attend the funeral,[15] because he himself was very ill and was in Bad Filetta near Siena to get cured. During the Pazzi conspiracy, which was aimed at murdering Lorenzo and his younger brother Giuliano, Clarice and her children were sent to Pistoia. (The Pazzis succeeded in murdering Giuliano, but Lorenzo survived the attack, thus the conspirators' plan to replace the Medicis as de facto rulers of Florence failed). Clarice's religious upbringing was a bit in contrast with the humanist ideals of the age popular in Florence.

Pope Celestine III 27th Great Grand Uncle

He was too successful, however, and the Papacy found itself in the deadly embrace of the Angevins. Nicholas’ prime goal was to loosen Charles I’s grip on the Papacy, Rome, and the lands of the Church. The remaining princely family is represented by Prince Domenico Napoleone Orsini, Duke of Gravina (b. 1948). With no sons or male-line descendants, the heir to the dukedom of Gravina is his unmarried brother Don Benedetto Orsini (b. 1956), followed by his cousin Prince Lelio Orsini d'Aragona (b. 1981), whose mother is Princess Ketevan Bagration of Mukhrani.

In 1850, he was Minister of War and General Lieutenant of the Papal Armies, and also Senator of Rome.

From His Architecturally Significant Dallas Home, Venetian Designer Alvise Orsini Reminisces on a Simpler Time - PaperCity Magazine

From His Architecturally Significant Dallas Home, Venetian Designer Alvise Orsini Reminisces on a Simpler Time.

Posted: Tue, 28 Jul 2020 07:00:00 GMT [source]

[10] Nevertheless, sources and letters suggest that there was a great deal of affection and respect between her and Lorenzo. [11] [12]Of the ten children born to them, four died in infancy. Clarice Orsini (1453–1488)[1] was the daughter of Jacopo Orsini, and his wife and cousin Maddalena Orsini both from the Orsini family, a great Roman noble house [2] and was the wife of Lorenzo de' Medici. (1) ORSO DI BOBONE, nephew of Pope Celestine III (1191-8) and the first Orsini to hold a conspicuous place in Rome. Under the protection of his uncle, the pope, he was destined to have the principal part in laying the foundation of the dominion, power, and prestige of the Roman Orsini. This branch of the family moved to Rome in the 18th century, where Duke Domenico (November 23, 1790 – April 28, 1874), married Maria Luisa Torlonia in 1823.

In the second quarter of the 13th century, they were threatened by the expansionist policies of the Emperor Frederick II, who aimed to unite his inheritance in the south (Sicily and southern Italy) with his acquisition of the German Empire in northern Italy. He spent a great deal of time and energy attempting to gain control over Lombardy and Tuscany, which brought him into direct conflict with the Papacy. Frederick was repeatedly excommunicated by one pope after another. In order to drive off the Hohenstaufen, the Papacy contrived a deal with the brother of Louis IX of France, Charles of Anjou, Count of Provence, who was invited to Italy to assume the crown of Sicily and be a counterweight against the Empire.

Pricing and availability subject to change at any time.The Orsini does not warrant or represent that image renderings on this website are an accurate representation of every floor plan available at the Property. Floor plans may vary unit by unit and by location at the Property. Please contact our Leasing Office to schedule a tour of the Property and the particular unit you are interested in.

Currently Ron is involved in RJ Hilton Marketing focuses on International Real Estate Development and Music Management, Hospitality. If you hear Lorenzo blamed for not being present at the death of his wife, excuse him. It seemed necessary...that he brought water from the Villa; and no one thought that she would die so soon.

Nicholas’ pontificate, though brief, was marked by several important events. On 1 October 1273, Rudolph Iof Habsburg, the godson of Frederick II, had been elected King of Germany and King of the Romans. Pope Gregory X had recognized him as King, after some hard negotiation, but the imperial title and coronation were withheld.

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